Friday, July 20, 2007

FREEZE IT - Take Away The Pain

I have acute arthritis in my feet and knees. I took the Freeze It and rubbed it into both my feet and knees and what to my surprise -it really works. I was very skeptical because I have tried so many products. Because I had to do a lot of walking to do that day I was anxious to try it out. And because my daughter was in the hospital I walked all over the hospital and I didn't have the awful pain I always have walking. This product took away the pain completely and left me feeling very well. I have continued to use it every day and I can't wait until it comes out in the stores as I would love to have some of the roll on too, as well as, the cream. I have used spray "Pain Free" and "Icy Hot" and even a special arthritis cream I bought over the internet but nothing works like this product. It's the best thing that has happened to me in a long time for taking away my pain for hours. I love it. I also think it is very inexpensive compared to everything else I have purchased which were three and four times as much. I like it too because it doesn't leave a lingering odor which can be almost embarrassing if you go out somewhere like church or a restaurant and you can smell whatever you used to ease your pain. It certainly relieved my pain a great deal longer than anything I have ever used.

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