Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Graduation Announcements

The school year is coming to a close. Many have completed their last year now and preparing for the final tests is over and they are ready for the big day when they graduate. That means it is time to get the graduation announcements out into the mail as soon as possible. It is not really a cut and dried matter like going to the store and choosing the graduation announcements you are going to mail or pass out in person as many do in our church. I feel it is a good time to sit down with your graduates and discuss what they would like, as well as, what you feel is appropriate in their circumstances. What do they think of an announcement with the school colors on it? Do you feel it should be gender specific or a general graduation announcement. Now is a wonderful opportunity to take the time to choose an announcement that tells of their specific achievement such as graduating as a nurse, doctor, dentist or perhaps even a lawyer. I feel this would add much to the announcement as you, as well as, your graduate, I am sure, is very proud of such an achievement. If they are going out into the wide world of Business Administration, then perhaps they would rather have their photo or photos on the announcement and the Class of 2012. These are really nice too as family members love to keep such announcements and look back at them to see how their graduate has changed over the years after graduation and also to remember the year they graduated. Memories of such things have a way of getting away from us unless we have something to look at and pause to remember that exciting day now that they have left home and are busily involved in the profession for which they studied so hard to achieve.

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